The programming language Rust has been growing in popularity over the last couple of years. In its latest developer industry report, analyst firm SlashData stated that Rust has “nearly tripled in size in the past 24 months, from just 0.6M developers in Q1 2020 to 2.2M in Q1 2022.”
The Rust Foundation recently announced its Community Grants Program 2022, which has a budget of $625,000. The plan is to give selected Rust maintainers a grant of $12,000 each. In an AMA (Ask Me Anything) video last month, Rust Foundation Executive Director Rebecca Rumbul said that the grants won’t just be for current maintainers, but to encourage new people to join the project too. “We want to reward people who are already here and who are already doing good work,” she said, “but we want to ensure that Rust is sustainable and that requires a pipeline of people coming through, being able to learn.”
To find out more about Rust’s growth — and why it is increasing being preferred over traditional programming languages like C and C++ — I conducted an email interview with Rumbul.
TNS: SlashData says that Rust is “the fastest growing language community”. What’s driving this rapid adoption? Is it coming at the expense of older programming languages, like C/C++?

Rust Foundation Executive Director Rebecca Rumbul
Rumbul: I think there are a number of factors in the growth — the language itself is interesting, challenging and satisfying to build in. The security and memory safety enables people to create with a lot of confidence. The maintainer and contributor community are inclusive and supportive, and Rust is also a great choice for developers looking to enhance their professional prospects, as demand for Rust developers continues to increase.
I’m not sure yet that this growth is at the expense of other languages — we find that Rust users are typically people who are already very familiar with languages such as C++.
I was interested in this comment in the SlashData report: “it is mostly used in IoT software projects but also in AR/VR development, most commonly for implementing the low-level core logic of AR/VR applications.” I’ve been fascinated by the rise of 3D web apps (aka metaverse) this year — why is Rust better than other options for the core logic in these kinds of apps?
A complete AR/VR application can be written in multiple languages. For example, you may use C# and Unity to implement the graphics. Rust is a great option for the underlying core logic of the application because of its safety profile (eg, catching bugs before runtime and memory safety), availability of libraries (crates), and its ability to create efficient binaries, which may be important for the clients where you want to deploy the application.
in an open source software security plan presented to the White House last week by The Linux Foundation, it states that “memory safe languages such as Rust, Go, and Java” are increasing preferred over the likes of C and C++.